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Best Country for Your European Expansion

Updated on Sunday 19th August 2018

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The best country for your European expansion will be one that offers tax benefits, a good fiscal and regulatory regime, incentives and also easy company set up. While most businesses look for quick access to more than one European market, others will prefer to choose a country that offers undeniable tax advantages even though it is not located at the heart of Europe.

The EU offers unified policies in many legislative areas of interest; however, each European country retains its own characteristics and advantages for foreign business owners.

The different European policies and regulations can be more easily understood when working with a local offshore company formation agent in the country of choice. Our experts are present in many European countries and can help foreign investors if they wish to open a business.

What European countries to take into consideration

The table below presents examples of countries that have attractive business and taxation regimes and are often taken into consideration for business expansion purposes.
Country Details
Cyprus An ideal location for those investors looking for one of the most attractive corporate tax rates in Europe, combined with a location that offers access to more than just the EU market.
Ireland Ireland has a competitive tax regime and a welcoming business climate. These are characteristics that ensure the development of the foreign direct investments sector.
The Netherlands One of the EU countries with the most attractive business climate, it is a top location for foreign companies and startups.
Denmark Easy company formation, a productive workforce and good infrastructure as well as a beneficial regime for R&D companies.
Germany As one of the largest markets in Europe, this country has a lot to offer to foreign entrepreneurs and Berlin is one of the top cities for innovative companies.

What to consider when expanding to Europe

Foreign companies looking to expand their business in Europe can start by opening a branch or a subsidiary. These two options have fundamental differences and one of our offshore company formation agents can give you complete information about the advantages of each one.

It is important to comply with all of the European requirements for company expansion and/or formation, starting with the Trade Register and including the VAT registration.

Offshore incorporation in Europe can be a sound approach for companies looking to expand that have already successfully entered the US or Asian markets.

Contact our offshore company formation agents for complete detail on particular incorporation requirements in each of these countries as well as country-specific assistance. 


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